Cell towers cut out at Saegertown

by Kaylee Reynolds, News & Features Editor

Imagine starting off your day with full bars and a strong cell connection–only to walk into school with absolutely nothing. Well, that happened not too long ago. Students and staff were not too pleased with the confusing cell-tower situation at hand.

Many students believed something was going on with the power lines, mentioning that it could be due to the connection cutting out from the stormy weather and/or a tree could have fallen over on a power line.

Some staff members were also getting a bit annoyed with this internet connection fiasco, as it caused many issues for teaching. For example, lessons taught on the SmartBoards became difficult as they were being slowed and/or completely offline. Computers wouldn’t connect which also caused teachers, along with students, to struggle with their work, emails, etc. 

A few weeks later, we are now currently facing apps shutting down, such as Facebook and Instagram. There was no news and or blow up about what went down. This intrigued many people as they were being logged out of their accounts.

“I find it really funny that right after the cell tower outage, Facebook and Instagram went down… Coincidence I think not,” senior Natalie Slee said.

As we know, the internet connection has been fixed, but the cause of its outage is still in question. Hopefully this type of outage doesn’t happen again and if so, it can get detected and fixed sooner than later.

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